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Old 02-24-2007, 03:31 AM   #34

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Originally Posted by butterflyblonde View Post
Not wanting to sound like a whinge here but using insults like Yed Mair could get you seriuosly hurt or possibly killed.

I know many lao/issan derogatory insults but best never to use them and try to forget knowing them, one time a girl in phuket was taking the piss out of me calling me an english wanker, I very stupidly responded with something very insulting to Issan ladies 'E-sandan', my gf of the time and all her bar mates had to talk her down for a very long time.

My gf told me later said she told this girl I was just ignorant farang and didn't know what I was saying, but this girl had told her at while still in a rage that she wanted to knife me and was not messing about.

Never repeat this stuff to thai's you do not know extremely well.
I know mate , but i dont care any more they piss me off so much the lying ignorant little fuckers .
dont worry about me i am expendable.

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